Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy

The “Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy”: is a new (or at least new to me) online journal being edited by Andrei Marmor, James Dreier, Julia Driver and David Esltund. Here are the theee papers currently on the site.

# “The Myth of Instrumental Rationality”: by Joseph Raz
The paper distinguishes between instrumental reasons and instrumental rationality. It argues that instrumental reasons are not reasons to take the…
# “The Government Beguiled Me: The Entrapment Defense and the Problem of Private Entrapment”: by Gideon Yaffe
Defendants who are being tried for accepting a temptation issued by the government sometimes employ the entrapment defense. Acquittal of some of…
# “Two Approaches to Instrumental Rationality and Belief Consistency”: by John Brunero
R. Jay Wallace argues that the normativity of instrumental rationality can be traced to the independent rational requirement to hold consistent…