
This blog has been getting very quiet, hasn’t it?!

I’m currently writing a book on normative externalism, trying to build up a general theory out of the things I said in “Running Risks Morally”:http://brian.weatherson.org/RRM.pdf, and “Disagreements, Philosophical and Otherwise”:http://brian.weatherson.org/DPI.pdf. Hopefully I’ll have some draft chapters to post soon. Until then…

* “Centrality and Marginalisation”:http://brian.weatherson.org/CaM.pdf, my commentary on Herman Cappelen’s “Philosophy Without Intuitions”:http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199644865.do has been published online at “Philosophical Studies”:http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11098-014-0289-9. This prompted me to collect drafts of my papers on history and methodology of philosophy into one large file: “Papers on History and Methodology of Analytic Philosophy”:http://brian.weatherson.org/HistoryPapers.pdf.

* Congratulations to Rohan Sud for winning an “Outstanding GSI Award”:https://www.rackham.umich.edu/blog/announcing-recipients-outstanding-gsi-award-and-faculty-mentoring-awards from the University of Michigan’s Rackham Graduate School. Concidentially, Rohan has also just had a paper published in “Philosophical Studies”:http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11098-013-0235-2, a paper on decision rules that he presented at last year’s BSPC.

* The Northern Institute of Philosophy is running a “Summer School on the Foundations of Logic and Mathematics”:http://www.abdn.ac.uk/nip/events/event?id=474 from June 18 to 25. Applications are open now, and close on April 10th, and there is more information at that link.

* I suspect many of you will know about Samir Chopra’s excellent “philosophy blog”:http://samirchopra.com/. He also has an excellent cricket blog, “The Cordon”:http://www.espncricinfo.com/blogs/content/story/blogs?genre=474, hosted at Cricinfo, and a fascinating looking (I haven’t read it yet), book on cricket, “Brave New Pitch”:http://samirchopra.com/brave-new-pitch-the-evolution-of-modern-cricket/. It’s great to see philosophy-cricket overlaps; there should be more of it!

* And there is a new philosophy news site, “Daily Nous”:http://dailynous.com/. I hope it is a great success.