
This blog has been going slowly, so I thought the natural thing to do was to start a new one on Tumblr:

* “And Another Thing”:http://brianweatherson.tumblr.com

The idea is that links, small points, and (more importantly) ideas about the profession will go there, and TAR will be for longer posts, and for research work. But I’ll stop doing links posts here.

On the latter, I’m currently about one-third of the way through writing a book manuscript on normative uncertainty. I’m writing it in “MultiMarkdown”:http://fletcherpenney.net/multimarkdown/, so hopefully it will be easy to post things to the web as they are done. With any luck, I’ll have some long posts coming soon from draft chapters.

The short version of the book is that it will take the ideas from “Running Risks Morally”:http://brian.weatherson.org/RRM.pdf, and “Disagreements, Philosophical and Otherwise”:http://brian.weatherson.org/DaD.pdf, and blend them into a single work on why uncertainty and ignorance about what to do, or what to believe, is much less philosophically significant than many people think.