When setting up my “Lewis blog”:http://lewisblog.weatherson.org, I should have noted that there’s already a very good weblog devoted largely to David Lewis’s philosophy, namely “Wo’s weblog”:http://www.umsu.de/wo/. Wo himself left a very clever suggestion on my Lewis blog for how to solve the puzzle about defining theoretical terms I wrote about yesterday. I think that he nicely solves the problem I thought I’d found for Lewis.
Barry Loewer wrote in to tell me about a summer course that is being run next July in Budapest on “Descrying the World in Physics”:http://www.ceu.hu/sun/SUN_2006/brief_course_descriptions.htm#Philosophy%20and%20Physics. It features Barry, David Albert, Tim Maudlin, Katalin Balog Carl Hoefer and David Papineau. It looks extremely interesting, and you get to spend time in Budapest while attending it. Here’s a brief description.
bq. There is a tradition within the history of physics that proposes that our world may have a complete fundamental physical theory. The course will examine this tradition and especially its prospects in view of foundational issues raised by quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics. We will be especially interested in the problem of descrying (that is locating and explaining) various features of the macroscopic world, especially the special sciences and features of human mentality and agency within the ontology and laws of fundamental physics.
Some of the time, perhaps most of the time, I think this is the single most important philosophical problem.
Finally, two more links to papers on Scott Soames’s book.
bq. “Mark Sainsbury’s commentary”:http://homepage.mac.com/WebObjects/FileSharing.woa/wa/SainsburySoamesVol1.pdf.pdf-zip.zip?a=downloadFile&user=marksainsbury&path=.Public/Marks%20pubs/SainsburySoamesVol1.pdf
“Scott Soames’s reply to my commentary”:http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~soames/replies/Rep_Weatherson.doc